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What is Cataract ?

Best Cataract doctor in Mumbai

Cataract is clouding of the eye’s natural lens. It is a natural process of ageing. Every individual gets it sooner or later. Cataract impairs focusing of light on the retina and hence blurs vision.

What Are The Causes Of Cataract ?

Old age is the most common cause of cataract. It also sometimes occurs relatively early in life due to factors such as injury, excessive sunlight, toxic chemicals, changes in the body’s metabolism, drugs, or other eye diseases, such as glaucoma and inflammation. There can also be a hereditary predisposition to an earlier occurrence of cataracts…

Best Cataract Surgery in Mumbai

What Are The Type Of Cataract ?

  1. Senile Cataract (Due to old age)
  2. Congenital Cataract (occurs by birth)
  3. Traumatic Cataract (Due to eye injuries)
  4. Steroid Induced Cataract (side effects of the drug)

What Are The Symptoms Of Cataract ?

People with cataract, even when wearing glasses, typically have:

  • Glare at night
  • Difficulty in recognising colors
  • Foggy / smoky vision
  • Frequent changes in their glass prescription

What Is The Treatment For Cataract ?

There are no medicines with proven efficacy to prevent or to treat cataract. The only effective treatment is the surgical removal of cataract. Diabetes, hypertension, and other general health problems are not a contraindication for cataract surgery. The cataract need not ‘mature’ for surgery.

When Is Treatment Advised?

The decision to treat a cataract is made together by the eye care practitioner and the patient. It is based on the degree to which the cataract is impairing vision and the effect of the impairment on the patient’s quality of life.

There Are 3 Treatment Options Available For Cataract:

I.   ECCE (conventional method)
II.  Phaco Emulsification
Ill. Micro Incision Phaco Emulsification with Foldable Intraocular Lens Implantation

I. ECCE (Conventional Method)

  • Requires an incision of 9 mm
  • The surgeon removes the clouded lens in one piece
  • A hard rigid lens is implanted
  • Multiple stitches are required
  • Increased risk of post-operative distorted vision and complications
  • Most patients require glasses for both distance and near vision

ll. Phaco Emulsification

The clouded cataractous lens is extracted by fragmenting it into tiny pieces with ultrasound energy and aspirated out with a suction device. The cataract is removed through a small self-sealing wound. There are no sutures applied on the eye. The patient will need glasses for near vision.


  • Requires no stitches (Incision 2.8 mm)
  • Is non-invasive and painless
  • Shorter overall duration of surgery
  • Less post-operative discomfort
  • Minimum post operative restrictions
  • Early rehabilitation
  • Less induced astigmatism
  • Perfect early restoration of vision

Ill. Micro Incision Phaco Emulsification With Foldable Intraocular Lens Implantation

Cataract extraction by Phaco Emulsification through a 1.8 mm incision and implanting a Foldable Intraocular Lens is a definite technological advancement from conventional surgery. The lens is injected into the eye through a small incision and it opens up within the eye like a flower.


  • Wound healing is very fast
  • Wound stability is far better since the entire surgery is done through a very small opening
  • Induced astigmatism is minimal
  • Decreases glare because of the superior surface quality of the lens
  • The patient will not feel any surgical impact and has a painless and suture-less surgical procedure
    making this an outpatient procedure


  • Comprehensive eye check-up
  • Zeiss operating microscope for micro surgical procedures from Germany
  • Phaco Emulsification units from Bauch and Lom USA
  • Pre-operative evaluation with Carl Zeiss IOL master (Germany) and Atas topographer (Germany)
  • Pre-operative and post-operative counselling
  • Microincision surgery with the option of EDOF and Trifocal lens to attain freedom from glasses post-operatively.